Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Second weigh-in

Stayed the same and that is fine by me as I had a really bad - or good depending how you look at it - week with a birthday celebration, ice cream with a friend, and a christening lunch party.

Also I've not started zumba yet as I was poorly last week and decided not to bother going last night as I'm on holiday next week. So I will definitely start the Monday I return, which is about 8th April I think.

Yesterday Husband said, 'Shall we pack our gym things?' 
The hotel has a gym. It also has a lovely relaxing spa and sunbeds. 
'You can,' I said. 'I won't have room. I'm packing books.'

I think he decided against.

Also found out that, as I'm on the countdown programme, I can't have next week off i.e. I still have to pay for it.

1 comment:

  1. Those weeks are like some kind of alchemy to me; you stuff your face and don't gain an ounce, then somehow the next week you follow your diet to a letter and wind up two pounds heavier. Go figure.
