Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Weigh-hey day

Tuesday is traditionally our weigh day. Husband is a consistent weigher; I am less so depending on how fat I feel. This morning I decided to 'feel the fear and do it anyway' - Nike has a lot to answer for - so plucked up my courage and got on the scales.

It wasn't as bad as I expected. 

I put on a lot of weight over our holiday and it's been rising gradually since but I felt I'd eaten so much recently that it would have leapt up. So just a little, as in .2 kg, was a plus from my point of view. 

So today's weight is 60.8 kg or - hang on while I convert it - 134 lbs, which is 9 st 8 lbs.

That's 5 lbs above the weight I'd like to be. Not horrendous but unless I take care my weight will continue to creep up so must stop now.

The dilemma I have is the same as that described by Briony in her comment on my previous post. Chopping and changing between feeling 'healthy so what's a little extra weight?' and 'but I feel more confident and happier when I'm thinner.'

I think I could write pages about the influence of the media and my own insecurities but perhaps that's for another day.

For today, I'll try to be sensible.

Monday, 6 August 2018

Back on the diet today

It started well with two weetabix for breakfast. Collapsed at lunchtime.

My new waste-reduction campaign entails me eating up left-overs, which in this case meant white bread. Toasted with butter (lots of it obviously) and marmalade. On the plus side I did have some chilli beetroot before it. And some left-over barbecued corn on the cob - which although a Free Food is not a Speed Food so not entirely good.

So while saving the planet I am putting my diet at risk. Hey ho. Sacrifices have to be made.

I want to lose some of the weight I've put on over the last few months of holidays and enjoying myself, which is all very well and good but I am torn because every now and then I think, 'So what if I have a bit of extra weight? I am enjoying myself.'
And I reply, 'But you feel much better in yourself - more confident and happy - when your shorts don't feel so tight.'

We shall see which one of me wins.

But I shall have to go back to Slimming World because however strong I think my resolve is it doesn't work without some other motivation.