Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Feeling fat, fat, fat

65.6 kg.

That's the biggest I've been since I can remember. So big I'm not even going to convert it to stones and pounds.

I wonder if you can reach a maximum weight, after which you don't put on anything. I suppose if you continue to consume more calories than you use then no. In which case one day I'll wake up and find I have become one of those exceedingly obese people, the sort I see on the street sometimes and wonder, 'how did they get so big without noticing?'

I've been working on the principle that I'm poorly - I've had shingles - and so deserve to eat as I feel like it. And Husband has been poorly so I've been walking George every day - so that will use up all the extra calories. But apparently not.

Hey ho. Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett was wont to say. In fact today is another day and one that is just starting so let's aim for a loss of the kg I put on last week.


  1. Hi Liz , good to see that I wasn't the only one who thought "didn't they realize that they had put on weight" .. bad of me I know but cant help it. I am the biggest, weighed the most I have EVER , even when having my sons .

  2. It just creeps up doesn't it, Anne? But you have been through a bad time and a lot of stress so that's probably why.

  3. I lose weight when I am stressed Liz , I eat but it just falls off me , so now I must be ok. It is more around my hips and belly .. which I don't like .. I walk a lot (just like you ) but think I need exercise for this specific area. And I do eat very well , not a sweet type of person , more of a savoury , so have the odd packet of crisps which I love .
