Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Boxing my way out of a fat situation

Had made up my mind not to weigh again this morning then when I got up and went to the toilet I thought, 'I might as well face the horror. Get it over with. At least then I'll know where I'm starting from.'

Now normally on a Tuesday morning Husband gets up and weighs before I go into the bathroom and he leaves the scales out for me. This morning, he forgot to weigh so the bathroom floor was empty of scales. 

'Hm,' I said to myself. 'I could get the scales out ... or not.'

I didn't.

Next week is soon enough.

I am back in gentle fitness class now and this Thursday I'm starting ... wait for it ... boxercise.

I'll report back afterwards.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

A belated Christmas card?

Happy New Year!

Haven't weighed. Refuse to start 2019 being depressed while I have enjoyed myself so much over the holiday.

A day or so ago I received what looked like a late card. Addressed to me - rather than Mr & Mrs - and in a pretty gold envelope. Ooh, I thought, this looks interesting.

It was an invite to rejoin Slimming World.

Good marketing ploy but it went straight in the bin.

How about you? How's your weight doing?