Thursday, 27 April 2017

Day 4 FAIL 4

Today at lunchtime in Zac's women's group I resisted:
having more than two small slices of bread;
proper mayonnaise.

I failed to resist 2 welshcakes. Not even ordinary welshcakes but split and spread with jam. I blame the police. (The cakes were leftovers from a police 'do''.)

Tonight I am not having potato with my sausages (2 low-fat) and baked beans. 

Whether I will survive the evening is another question.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Day 3 beginning with Day 2's FAIL

I was weak. I ate a piece of birthday cake. Incidentally one man asked how I managed to make cake so light and another said it was the best sponge cake he'd ever had. (That may be an exaggeration; he might have said best sponge he'd had for ages.) But it was only a small piece.

Today ... um, 3 smarties plus some bits of meringue when I was making dinner. Making dinner is one of my worst times of day. I always feel the need to pick at food when I'm cooking. Not necessarily the raw food I'm preparing but maybe a small lump of cheese  and, yes, I know there's no such thing as a small lump of cheese, or a handful of crunchy nut flakes. Or two handfuls. 

Oh yes, and I tried my first Mug Shot today, the cheese and broccoli one. It was surprisingly edible. But not much of it.

Thinking about food a lot.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Day 1 FAIL!

But it wasn't my fault! (So said every would-be slimmer ever.)

But it really wasn't. 

I decided to make the Rosemary Conley recipe of the week, which was salmon with watercress sauce - except I didn't have watercress - and the photo on the website showed it served with potatoes. So I assumed, naturally enough I think, that I could eat potatoes with it.

Turned out, when I read the recipe properly, I was supposed to have a green salad with it, not potatoes. But it was too late then; I'd already cooked , well, bought the potatoes so I was committed. 

And it didn't taste as bad as I expected.

Day 2 and the plus is that, after spending most of the day hunched over my computer, I took myself and George off for a walk. It was George's second of the day and he was none too impressed.

Day 2 and the negative is that I made birthday cake and some of the smarties just happened to jump into my mouth. And I have to try and resist eating any this evening. 

I'm not really following an online slimming plan but remembering what I did previously when I went to RC classes. The first two weeks are pretty strict; I think it's an attempt to shock my body into reacting by shedding pounds. 

Also although I'm using this Flora spray oil (1 spray = 3 calories) I suspect their idea of a spray is slightly shorter than mine.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Rosemary Conley here I come

We've just spent a weekend in a hotel. Now I don't know if the mirror in the hotel was one of those funny ones - that's what I'm hoping - but I felt hideously fat. Now I know I'm not actually hideously fat but I feel much better when I weigh about a stone less than at present so today I signed up for a Rosemary Conley online slimming course!

I did RC classes a few years ago and was successful at losing weight but they weren't online, we had a brilliant and fun teacher in Cherie, and included an exercise session, so I don't know how well I'll do with this. It's mainly the incentive value: I've paid for the quarter so I should jolly well make sure I lose weight.

Hence my shopping list for Sainsburys this morning included very low fat cheese spread, very low fat sausages and two packets of Mug Shots. Even as I'm taking them off the shelf I'm thinking, 'These are going to be horrible,' but I'm not very good at lunches. I like something quick and there are only so many days you can eat ryvita. And they contain less than 2% fat. In fact they probably contain very little of any substance or worth but I'll let you know what they taste like when I've sampled them.